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Berlin at War - Cover

Berlin at War

eBook - Life and Death in Hitler's Capital, 1939-45

Erschienen am 31.10.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446499214
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 464 S., 2.91 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Berlin was the nerve-centre of Hitler's Germany - the backdrop for the most lavish ceremonies, it was also the venue for Albert Speer's plans to forge a new 'world metropolis' and the scene of the final climactic bid to defeat Nazism. Yet while our understanding of the Holocaust is well developed, we know little about everyday life in Nazi Germany.

In this vivid and important study Roger Moorhouse portrays the German experience of the Second World War, not through an examination of grand politics, but from the viewpoint of the capital's streets and homes.He gives a flavour of life in the capital, raises issues of consent and dissent, morality and authority and, above all, charts the violent humbling of a once-proud metropolis.

Shortlisted for the Hessell-Tiltman History Prize.


Roger Moorhouse is an historian and author specialising in modern German history. He is the co-author, with Norman Davies, ofMicrocosm: Portrait of a Central European City, and the author ofKilling Hitler: The Third Reich and the Plots Against the Führer.


A fascinating portrayal of the German experience during the Second World War told through the eyes of the citizens of Berlin.

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