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Vinyl Detective

eBook - Flip Back, Vinyl Detective

Erschienen am 21.05.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
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9,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781785658990
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 432 S., 1.53 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The fourth book in the hilarious and enthralling Vinyl Detective mystery series. "Like an old 45rpm record, this book crackles with brilliance." David Quantick on Written in Dead WaxAt the height of their success, the electric folk band Black Dog invited journalists to a desolate island for an infamous publicity stunt: the burning of a million dollars. But the stunt backfired and the band split up, increasing the value of their final album vastly. It's this album that Tinkler's got his eye on, and he hires none other than the Vinyl Detective and Nevada to hunt a copy down.Narrowly avoiding a killing spree, negotiating deranged Black Dog fans, and being pursued by hack celebrity Stinky Stamner and his camera crew, the Vinyl Detective and Nevada discover that perhaps all was not as it seemed on the islandand that in the embers of that fire are clues to a motive for murder


Andrew Cartmel is a novelist and screenwriter. His work for television includes Midsomer Murders and Torchwood, and a legendary stint as Script Editor on Doctor Who. He has also written plays for the London Fringe, toured as a stand-up comedian, and is currently co-writing with Ben Aaronovitch a series of comics based on the bestselling Rivers of London books. He lives in London.

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