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Icebound In The Arctic

eBook - The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition

Erschienen am 12.04.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
9,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781788492652
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 308 S., 7.45 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Captain Francis Crozier was a major figure in 19th century Arctic and Antarctic exploration who led the doomed Franklin Expedition's battle to survive against the odds. It is a compelling story which refuses to be laid to rest and recent discovery of his lost ships above the Arctic Circle gives it a new urgency.  The ships may hold vital clues to how two navy vessels and 129 men disappeared 170 years ago and why Crozier, in command after Franklin's early death, left the only written clue to the biggest disaster in Polar history.Drawn from historic records and modern revelations, this is the only comprehensive account of Crozier's extraordinary life. It is a tale of a great explorer, a lost love affair and an enduring mystery.  Crozier's epic story began comfortably in Banbridge, Co Down and involved six gruelling expeditions on three of the 19th century's great endeavours navigating the North West Passage, reaching the North Pole and mapping Antarctica. But it ended in disaster.


Michael Smith is an authority on polar exploration who has appeared on TV and radio and lectured extensively. His books include: An Unsung Hero: Tom Crean; I Am Just Going Outside, a biography of Captain Oates; Polar Crusader about Sir James Wordie; TomCrean AnIllustratedLife; Great Endeavour Ireland's Antarctic Explorers; and Shackleton:ByEnduranceWeConquer. Michael is also the recipient of awards for his work as a journalist with The Guardian and The Observer.


Notes page 9
Introduction: Pointing the Way 11
1 A Bond with History 17
2 To the Arctic 27
3 Seizing the Moment 43
4 A Promise 51
5 Fatal Errors 63
6 Wreck of Fury 70
7 North Pole 79
8 Arctic Rescue 89
9 South 99
10 Flirting with Love 107
11 An Epic Voyage 121
12 Dangerous Waters 133
13 Trembling Hands 145
14 'I Am Not Equal to the Hardship' 157
15 A Sense of Tragedy 172
16 North West Passage 185
17 Ice 197
18 'No Cause for Alarm' 207
19 Breakout 220
20 A Slow Execution 225
21 Unsolved Mystery 235
22 Last Man Standing? 258
23 A Fitting Memorial 263
24 Lost and Found 273
Appendix: Francis Crozier: A Chronology 287
References 289
Bibliography 295
Index 304

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